
söndag 3 januari 2016

Mer om porr

Antropofagi har tidigare nämnt att hen ej finner källa på Februaripoddens påstående att YourBrainOnPorn har kristna kopplingar. Februaripoddens Ola Söderholm anger dock på förfrågan denna film som källa.

Vidare har Antropofagi(s bekant) gjort gällande att porrberoende har samma effekter på hjärnans belöningssystem som andra beroenden. Enligt denna Psychology Today-artikel tyder dock studier på att så ej är fallet:

"In research invited for submission to the journal Socioaffective Neuroscience of Psychology, authors Steele, Staley, Fong and Prause used EEG testing to examine the effects of visual erotica, on the brains of people who felt they had problems controlling their porn use. 52 sex addicts, including men and women, had their brain’s electrical activity examined while they looked at erotic imagery. Sex addiction theory predicts that these individuals would show brain patterns consistent with that of cocaine addicts, who demonstrate specific electrical changes in the brain’s activity, in response to drug-related cues. Sex addiction proponents, from Rob Weiss to Carnes have long argued that sex and porn are “like cocaine” in the brain.

But, when EEG’s were administered to these individuals, as they viewed erotic stimuli, results were surprising, and not at all consistent with sex addiction theory. If viewing pornography actually was habituating (or desensitizing), like drugs are, then viewing pornography would have a diminished electrical response in the brain. In fact, in these results, there was no such response. Instead, the participants’ overall demonstrated increased electrical brain responses to the erotic imagery they were shown, just like the brains of “normal people” as has been shown in hundreds of studies.

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