
onsdag 3 december 2014

Still S.C.U.M.

Läser om SCUM-manifestet. I förordet till min fysiska upplaga hittar jag sanningen: Att manifestet är genomsyrat av humor betyder inte att det är ett skämt. Texten dissekerar till fulländning hela samhällsordningen, långt bortom patriarkatet – eller så är patriarkatet namnet på militarismenrasismen, Sisyfos-samhället, stadsplaneringen, och allt det där andra som Antropofagi älskar att skriva om.


War: The male's normal compensation for not being female, namely, getting his Big Gun off, is grossly inadequate, as he can get it off only a very limited number of times; so he gets it off on a really massive scale, and proves to the entire world that he's a `Man'. Since he has no compassion or ability to empathize or identify, proving his manhood is worth an endless amount of mutilation and suffering and an endless number of lives, including his own -- his own life being worthless, he would rather go out in a blaze of glory than to plod grimly on for fifty more years.


Prejudice (racial, ethnic, religious, etc): The male needs scapegoats onto whom he can project his failings and inadequacies and upon whom he can vent his frustration at not being female. And the vicarious discriminations have the practical advantage of substantially increasing the pussy pool available to the men on top.


Supply the non-relating male with the delusion of usefulness, and enable him to try to justify his existence by digging holes and then filling them up. Leisure time horrifies the male, who will have nothing to do but contemplate his grotesque self. Unable to relate or to love, the male must work.


Isolation, Suburbs, and Prevention of Community: Our society is not a community, but merely a collection of isolated family units. Desperately insecure, fearing his woman will leave him if she is exposed to other men or to anything remotely resembling life, the male seeks to isolate her from other men and from what little civilization there is, so he moves her out to the suburbs, a collection of self-absorbed couples and their kids. Isolation enables him to try to maintain his pretense of being an individual nu becoming a `rugged individualist', a loner, equating non-cooperation and solitariness with individuality.

Lyssnar om dokumentären Den fastspända flickan. Inser att de livsomständigheter som tvingade Solanas till insikt på inget sätt är unika, varken då eller nu. (Snälla, läs Drömfakulteten om Valerie Solanas liv och gärning – en av världens bästa böcker.) Blir äcklad av människor som vill förlåta Solanas för manifestet, när de borde hylla henne. Människor som vill (bort)förklara manifestet genom att beskriva Solanas som en traumatiserad person. Som om hon vore den enda.

Valerie är, med all rätt, jävligt gangsta. SCUM ska drivas som en strikt kriminell verksamhet, inte någon slags löjlig civil olydnads-rörelse:

SCUM will always operate on a criminal as opposed to a civil disobedience basis, that is, as opposed to openly violating the law and going to jail in order to draw attention to an injustice. Such tactics acknowledge the rightness overall system and are used only to modify it slightly, change specific laws. SCUM is against the entire system, the very idea of law and government. SCUM is out to destroy the system, not attain certain rights within it. Also, SCUM -- always selfish, always cool -- will always aim to avoid detection and punishment. SCUM will always be furtive, sneaky, underhanded (although SCUM murders will always be known to be such).

Jag tänker mig följande slow-motion-scen, till tonerna av Scott Storch's piano-riff ur Still D.R.E. En korthårig kvinna med mörka solglasögon, Valerie Solanas, rullar in i bild i en enormt bred, metallic-blå, cabbad low-rider. Det är G-funk-stök i bakgrunden, med hoppande kroppar vars hull-daller hänger orimligt länge i luften i och med den nedsaktade hastigheten på filmen. Cosmogirl rullar förbi Valerie Solanas bil på en dune-bug, i skottsäker väst och med svarta, fingerlösa handskar. Hon river upp moln av damm.

Still D.R.E. (feat. Snoop Dogg) by Dr. Dre on Grooveshark
[Uppdatering: Här var tidigare inbäddat Dr. Dre's Still D.R.E.. Innan Grooveshark släcktes ned.]
Det är inte så mycket av texten som behöver ändras. I'm ahead of my game... Still not loving police... Still doin' my thang, since I left ain't too much changed.

Refräng. Representing for them ganstas all across the world/
Still hittin' them corners in them lo-lo's, girl

Valerie och Cosmogirl burnar off i solnedgången, med Andy Warhols avhuggna huvud och en säck pengar i baksätet. Outrot klingar ut medan dammet lägger sig.

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