
torsdag 4 januari 2018

The pie... doesn't grow so well

Antropofagi sammanfattade 2017 års funderingar i och med myntandet av begreppet "nollsummevänstern". Dvs., att minskande tillväxt och ökande ojämlikhet leder till en nollsumme-situation där alla måste kämpa inbördes över en minskande kaka.
"I think what really happened if you think about it historically, is that we had this beautiful period of fairly reliable, high, evenly distributed, technologically laid growth after World War 2, up until say about 1970, and… We predicated all of our institutions on our expectation that this growth was some sort of normal thing that we could depend upon in the future. When it ran out, we were left with all of our institutions looking in some form or another like ponzi schemes. And… In order to keep running an institution that expected growth, in a steady state condition let’s say, you need to change the narrative to create some kind of ‘as if’ growth story. So you start stealing from the future, you start stealing from groups that are to weak to defend their own economic interests, so that certain slices can keep growing even if the pie … doesn’t grow so well. There are certain areas that kept growing, like communications and computation, so there was some real growth, maybe fracking… But in general, what we have is a bunch of institutions that used to be capable of honesty, that had to develop narratives. And the problem is we’ve had ‘as if’-growth, across the spectrum for most of our adult lives, and that story – which is a fiction – ran out.”
Lite Sam Harris-trams, och så fortsätter Eric Weinstein:
“I think that we don’t realize that […] markets are this invisible fabric that holds us together, it’s really important that when growth stops, preceding at the levels that is expected, people can’t form families in real time, so fertility is threatened… People can’t plan for coupleing and a future. So I think it get’s right into the most intimate details of our lives, when the markets don’t materialize in the ways that we need them.”

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